Airport Show
13 - 15 May 2025

The Aviation Industry Needs More Technological Revolutions

Information technology (IT) is crucial to the airport industry. IT systems help with different functions, such as reservations, ticketing, inventory management, and more. While there have already been a lot of technological transitions across operations in the past few years, there is still a lot that we can improve on.

Here are some of the areas in the aviation industry that have plenty of room for development:

In this article

Digital Identities

Swift onboarding has always been a major airport priority. Biometric technology provides airlines with a more streamlined and standardised onboarding process.

SITA’s Air Transport IT Insights show that biometric-powered identity management will be a top priority, with 50% of airports planning to operate biometric-powered self-boarding gates by 2024.

With airport biometrics, passengers no longer must worry about long queues and wait times. However, authorities must be careful since technologies like these can still be hacked. It can also limit the privacy of users and may prevent them from accessing systems in some cases. These minor discrepancies should not be overlooked.

Security and Safety at Airports

Any type of business knows the importance of security and safety, and this also applies to the airport industry.

Research shows that cybersecurity is the top investment priority for 94% of airports worldwide. Technology plays a big role in balancing the quick flow of passengers while, at the same time, ensuring everyone’s safety.

Airports and planes are areas of increased risk; therefore, various technologies are needed to keep everyone safe. Computed tomography (CT) technology and European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) C3-certified scanners are helpful in screening cabin baggage. Artificial intelligence (AI) can also improve aviation security and operations, as it can easily detect weapons and other prohibited items. 

With various threats of terrorism, violence, or drug trafficking, investing in security and safety technologies should indeed be a top priority among airlines.

Advanced Analytics and Data Management 

Data management and analytics are crucial in any organization. With aviation, these practices are used to reduce costs, optimise operations, and make more informed decisions.

Some of the data management and business models that airlines invest in include AI (82%), data exchange technologies (70%), and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tracking (62%).

The next big thing to watch out for is the combination of data and AI. One example of this revolution is the SkyBreathe® software of OpenAirlines. It is a big data analysis software that monitors operational efficiency and reduces fuel consumption and costs by as much as 5%.

If the aviation industry aims for net-zero emissions by 2050, we will need all the technological capabilities available.

Sustainable Alternative Energy Sources

The price of jet fuel increased by almost 90% and now costs 120% more than it did in 2021. Fuel is one of the largest operating costs for airports. A jet aircraft uses a phenomenal amount of fuel. For instance, a Boeing 747 quadjet burns up to one gallon of fuel per second, or about 18,000 gallons per five hours of flight. 

Because of this, airports have been relying on technology to help counter the rising costs of fuel. Technologies such as eWAS Pilot and OptiFlight offer fuel savings opportunities. They also help limit aircraft carbon emissions at key flight stages. One thing is for sure: the airline industry needs to take more ambitious measures to improve fuel efficiency.

Be a Part of the Airport Show 

Get more information about airline technologies by attending the Airport Show. The event features innovations in airport sustainability, digitalisation, and urban air mobility. Join us on May 9-11, 2023 at DWTC, Dubai.

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